Tea, Cake & Art

  • Image: Tea, Cake & Art in The Engine Room at The Exchange
  • Image: Tea, Cake & Art in The Engine Room at The Exchange
  • Image: Tea, Cake & Art in The Engine Room at The Exchange

17 Sep — 30 Oct 2024

09:30 — 16:00

The Engine Room, The Exchange

We are now hosting two Tea, Cake & Art sessions:

  • New Group: Tuesdays, 10.30 – 12.30

  • Existing Group: Tuesdays 14.00 – 16.00

Tea, Cake & Art is a creative social for people over 65 who feel isolated or lonely, who would like to meet others and explore a range of creative activities together in a friendly and relaxed environment.

Feeling isolated can have many roots – living alone, grieving, having caring responsibilities, socio-economic circumstances, anxiety, access barriers due to health – and many more. While you can refer yourself, we want to ensure this offer reaches those most in need of it and we work closely with social prescribing links and other partners in the area.

Tea, Cake & Art welcomes people with Dementia and their carers.

If you would like to join the new Tuesday morning group, or have any questions about Tea, Cake & Art, please contact Bettina by email [email protected] or call 01736 363715 for more details.

Tea, Cake & Art is currently free to attend, and we work hard to keep it so, but we recognise that isolation and poor mental health can affect anyone, not just those on low incomes. If you want to support the project, be it regularly or with a one-off donation you can do so here.

See Read More below for FAQs


Tea, Cake & Art is delivered with support from Cornwall Council Social Inclusion Fund and Community Chest Fund.



Who is eligible to take part in Tea, Cake & Art?

Tea, Cake & Art is for people aged 65 or over who feel isolated or lonely, or suffer with anxiety.

Feeling isolated can have many roots – living alone, grieving, having caring responsibilities, socio-economic circumstances, anxiety, access barriers due to health – and many more. While you can refer yourself, we want to ensure this offer reaches those most in need of it and we work closely with social prescribing links and other partners in the area.

When and where does it happen?

Tuesdays – in The Engine Room at The Exchange.

Tea, Cake & Art runs weekly, with the sessions alternating between led and self-led.

If you attend the afternoon sessions, these will be blended, that means they take place in the room but with Zoom as an option for people who can’t join in person due to access barriers. By taking part in the afternoon sessions, you agree to being broadcast to participants at home and in the room for the duration of the session. We will also occasionally take photos to promote the aims of the gallery programme.

Tea, Cake & Art was established by Newlyn Art Gallery & The Exchange in 2019.

Since 2020 a Tea, Cake & Art sister project exists in Penryn, delivered by Grays Wharf.

Who will be leading the sessions?

The sessions alternate between led and self-led. The led sessions are informally delivered by Bettina Wenzel, the gallery’s Programme Producer. Bettina will occasionally invite artists or makers to talk about their work and lead on activities. In the self-led sessions in The Engine Room participants can continue an activity from the led sessions or work on a project of their own.

What are the activities?

Themes and activities are inspired by the gallery’s exhibition programme and by the participants’ own interests. Previously, we have explored printmaking, weaving, drawing, painting, 3D work, collage, and sound.

Occasionally we also go on local fieldtrips, which may include practical workshops inspired by the location. In the past we have visited Morrab Library, Penlee House Gallery & Museum, The Community Garden in Penzance, and The Hypatia Trust.

Do I need to know about art?

You don’t need to know anything about art, and you don’t need to have any experience in making art. Tea, Cake & Art is about enjoyment and discovering new things as a group. Being open and curious is all that is required.

Do I have to pay, book or bring anything?

This group is free to join, and materials will be provided for those taking part in person. Those taking part via Zoom are encouraged to use materials they might have at home already and we always try and suggest alternative options where specialist tools or materials are required for an activity.

Tea, Cake & Art is an ongoing project without a set end date.

To join please email Bettina at [email protected]. If you don’t have access to email, you can leave your name and phone number at reception at either gallery venue or by calling the gallery on 01736 363715.

Participants will be asked to complete a feedback form on joining and then again every six months – in Feb and Sep.

Do I have to come every week?

You don’t have to take part every week, but it would be great if you did! The more often you come the more you will get out of it.

Tea, Cake & Art is a creative wellbeing offer and we understand that mental health can fluctuate. Some participants attend ongoing, some choose to attend only for a period. As part of our activities, which include occasional fieldtrips, we aim to signpost participants to other offers and opportunities they might benefit from and enjoy beyond Tea, Cake & Art.


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Venue: The Engine Room, The Exchange
Find on Map

Open: TUE - SAT, 10.00 - 17.00

Follow the Exhibition
Instagram: @newlynexchange

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