ONLINE: Lunchtime (Home) School

  • Image: Lunctime School
  • Image: Lunchtime (Home) School via Zoom

28 Feb — 19 Jun 2020

12:30 — 13:30

Off Site


Artists and makers often learn specialist skills when making a body of work, or have other expertise that continues to inform their artwork. For each Lunchtime School we invite them to present a talk about what they know, followed by an informal discussion with the online group.

Fri 28 Feb        Music Theory for Beginners, with SJ Blackmore
LUNCHTIME SCHOOL an introduction to alternative music theories

Fri 13 Mar        An Introduction to Polari, with Alan Butler
LUNCHTIME SCHOOL, an introduction to Polari


Fri 10 Apr     How To Build A House, with Heather Scott
LUNCHTIME SCHOOL, How To Build a House, Heather Scott, Reading List

Fri 24 Apr     DIY Plumbing Disaster Avoidance, with Sovay Berriman
LUNCHTIME SCHOOL, Sovay Berriman Further Reading

Fri 8 May         An Introduction to Home Education, with Rebecca Caroline
LUNCHTIME SCHOOL, Home Educating Resources from Rebecca Caroline

Fri 22 May     A Physics Lesson with James Hankey, reflecting on the life cycle and properties of the element Silver
LUNCHTIME SCHOOL, Silver info sheet

In addition you can listen to James talking us through a brief scientific history of silver.

Fri 5 Jun        The Art Schools of Britain, with Matthew Cornford
There were over 150 art schools in this country in the mid-1960s. Most of them are now closed or and the buildings repurposed or demolished. John Beck and Matthew Cornford are photographing all of England’s art school sites as they are today. For this talk Matthew Cornford will present their work in progress and discuss ambitions to complete a survey of all the former art schools in the south west.
LUNCHTIME SCHOOL, The Art School Project, Matthew Cornford

Fri 19 Jun      Panning for Gold in Cornwall, with Alastair Mackie
LUNCHTIME SCHOOL, Panning for Gold info sheet


Also see our blog listing art resources and things to do



Following advice from the Government, both our venues are closed as a temporary measure. We are working on plans to deliver alternative programmes during this temporary period of closure, through our website, our social media channels and non-digital means. Join our mailing list to find out more.

While we are closed to the public we are determined to continue supporting the artists, creative sector and the people of our community. Please become a Supporter, or make a donation to help us do this. All Supporter subscriptions and donations, large or small, will ensure that we can keep offering our audience and our community art that can inspire and drive change.

Thank you for your understanding, and we hope to welcome you to the galleries again very soon.

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