Summer Art Classes

Alice‘s Art Classes for children at The Exchange, Penzance
Image: Alice‘s Art Workshops

01 Aug — 29 Aug 2018

14:00 — 16:00

The Engine Room, The Exchange


Led by the wonderful Alice Ellis-Bray and inspired by our Rose Wylie exhibition, these workshops are for 7 – 13 Year olds. Please wear old clothes as it will get messy!

£6 per session, all materials provided. You can book on all sessions or pick and choose. Booking via eventbrite

WEDNESDAY 01 AUG – Pillow Stories
What are your dream adventures? What stories do you come up with in your sleep? – Inspired by the exhibition, you will be painting the story of a dream you have had – onto a pillow case. Sweet dreams!

WEDNESDAY 08 AUG – Portrait Painting
Who is that in the mirror? How do you paint yourself? – Using mirrors, you will be working out how to look and paint at the same time.

WEDNESDAY 15 AUG – Story Box Painting
Looking at story-telling through painting, you will create different scenes of the same story. What goes inside your story box is up to you – possibilities are endless!

WEDNESDAY 22 AUG – Painting with Feeling
What’s your favourite colour? How do you know? – Using your instincts, this workshop is all about following your intuition when making colour choices, and painting without getting caught up in too much decision making. What comes naturally when using paint and how do you choose colour?

WEDNESDAY 29 AUG – Time Travel for Painters
Exploring ideas about our past, our present and our future, you will be creating a triptych of paintings to tell stories through time. When, now and then!

Venue: The Engine Room, The Exchange
Find on Map

Open: TUE - SAT, 10.00 - 16.00

Follow the Exhibition
Instagram: @newlynexchange


Paint Your Dog!

18 Aug 2018

Newlyn Art Gallery