Palace of Culture: week 3 Rosie Taylor with Flock Dance

Image: Palace of Culture: Week 3 Rosie Taylor with Flock Dance

01 Apr — 07 Apr 2017

Newlyn Art Gallery

Inspired by Eastern European clubhouses for workers, Newlyn Art Gallery has been transformed into an establishment of recreational activity.

Hosted by a different Cultural Secretary each week, The Palace of Culture will nourish both body and mind with workshops, performance and other stimulating pursuits designed to fight cultureless leisure.

Rosie Taylor and Flock Dance curate a week focusing on movement in its many and varied forms. Dance artists Rosie Taylor and Lizzie Prince will be working in the space throughout the week. There will be morning stretch classes, choreography and mark-making workshops, a moving model drawing class, images by Nick Pumphrey, works by artist/architect Jacob Down and films such as Sam Bleakley’s Surfing as Dance, Joseph Wilson’s Mantaray, Flock Dance and Shira Klasmer’s Successions and the Physical Postcards series.

There will be lots of things to watch, to see and to do. Come and join us… all welcome.

Palace of Culture Week 3 events from Rosie Taylor & Flock Dance

Booking essential via eventbrite



Venue: Newlyn Art Gallery
Find on Map

Open: TUE - SAT, 10.00 - 16.00

Follow the Exhibition
Instagram: @newlynexchange


Palace of Culture

18 Mar - 17 Apr 2017

Newlyn Art Gallery