Palace of Culture: week 2 Keiken Collective

Image: Palace of Culture: Week 2: Keiken Collective

25 Mar — 31 Mar 2017

Newlyn Art Gallery

Inspired by Eastern European clubhouses for workers, Newlyn Art Gallery has been transformed into an establishment of recreational activity.

Hosted by a different Cultural Secretary each week, The Palace of Culture will nourish both body and mind with workshops, performance and other stimulating pursuits designed to fight cultureless leisure.

House of Questions from Keiken Collective is a week-long event of FREE workshops, food, talks, art, performance, conversations and open source data.

Palace of Culture Week 2 events from Keiken Collective

Booking essential via eventbrite

#PalaceofCulture #HoQ


Venue: Newlyn Art Gallery
Find on Map

Open: TUE - SAT, 10.00 - 16.00

Follow the Exhibition
Instagram: @newlynexchange


Palace of Culture

18 Mar - 17 Apr 2017

Newlyn Art Gallery