Palace of Culture: Week 1 UNCollective

Image: Palace of Culture Week 1 UNCollective

18 Mar — 24 Mar 2017

Newlyn Art Gallery

Inspired by Eastern European clubhouses for workers, Newlyn Art Gallery has been transformed into an establishment of recreational activity.

Hosted by a different Cultural Secretary each week, The Palace of Culture will nourish both body and mind with workshops, performance and other stimulating pursuits designed to fight cultureless leisure.

Each day has a theme: Costume, Movement, Digital, Sound, and Text plus a Grand Finale
Palace of Culture Week 1 events from UNCollective
Come along for the whole day or just dip in for an hour or so…
Booking essential via eventbrite



Venue: Newlyn Art Gallery
Find on Map

Open: TUE - SAT, 10.00 - 16.00

Follow the Exhibition
Instagram: @newlynexchange


Palace of Culture

18 Mar - 17 Apr 2017

Newlyn Art Gallery