Library of Plants

  • Image: Cow Parsely cyanotype by William Arnold

11 May — 15 Jun 2019

The Engine Room, The Exchange


Display of camera-less photography documenting the suburban plant life around the galleries, gathered in a workshop.

Participants walked from Newlyn Art Gallery to The Exchange in Penzance, collecting local plant species along the way. They then used lumen and cyanotype photography to produce a beautiful collection of photographic images.


Venue: The Engine Room, The Exchange
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Open: TUE - SAT, 10.00 - 16.00

Follow the Exhibition
Instagram: @newlynexchange

Forgetting Time By Lucy Willow showing in the The Picture Room at Newlyn Art Gallery


Lucy Willow

06 May - 15 Jun 2019

The Picture Room, Newlyn Art Gallery