Invisible Narratives: Events Programme

Image: Invisible Narratives, photo by Steve Tanner

14 May — 12 Jun 2019

Newlyn Art Gallery



In her exhibition notes Lubaina Himid asks how we can ‘understand a place as it is experienced by those who know it well: what do they reveal and what will they share?’ whilst we ourselves may still try and understand our own processes of knowing a place.

To further consider this premise, we invite you to join the artists Magda Stawarska-Beavan, Rebecca Chesney, Lubaina Himid and their guests for this programme of walks and talks in and around Newlyn Art Gallery.


WETLAND WALK & TALK With Tracy Hill & James Parkin
TUE 11 JUN, 13.30 -16.30
Newlyn Art Gallery

To expand on her ‘In Conversation’ with Lubaina Himid on 14 May, Tracy Hill is leading a walk around local wetland, Chyenhal Moor, a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), together with James Parkin.
Tracy Hill’s artistic practice challenges the historic perceptions of wetlands and invites a reconsideration of these living landscapes. James Parkin is an Ecologist and works for Penwith Landscape Partnership. Together, through walking and conversation, they hope to reveal a new insight into these unique landscapes.

Please arrive on time as a minibus will collect participants from Newlyn Art Gallery promptly at 13.30, to arrive at the site for a 14.00 start of the walk. The walk lasts about 2 hours and the minibus will return participants to Newlyn Art Gallery afterwards.
Participants are advised to wear suitable footwear and clothing for the uneven and wet terrain.

Free, but please book via Eventbrite


THE DNA OF PLACE: Creative And Collective Place-Making with Elaine Speight

WED 12 JUN 11.00 – 12.00
Newlyn Art Gallery

Elaine Speight, Curator and Research Fellow ‘In Certain Places’, at the University of Central Lancashire will explore how art and artists can contribute to the development of a place by working with its existing characteristics and revealing hidden assets. Key throughout the place-making process is the involvement of diverse groups of people who bring a range of knowledge, experience and expertise.

Since 2005, Elaine Speight and Professor Charles Quick have led the research project In Certain Places, a programme of artistic and architectural interventions and events. Based in the City of Preston, the project examines how artists can contribute to the form and functions of a place. By exploring new approaches to art, culture and urban development, the programme has generated new understandings of the urban environment, enabled new ideas to be tested in the city’s public spaces, and formed collaborations between artists, institutions, communities and businesses, leading Preston’s former Chief Executive to describe it as ‘part of the city’s DNA’

Free, but please book via Eventbrite


14 MAY
Lubaina Himid in conversation with Tracy Hill


25 MAY
Is it Possible to Remember an Apparently Unknown History?
Magda Stawarksa-Beavan, Rebecca Chesney, Lubaina Himid


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Venue: Newlyn Art Gallery
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Open: TUE - SAT, 10.00 - 16.00

Follow the Exhibition
Instagram: @newlynexchange


Invisible Narratives

23 Mar - 15 Jun 2019

Newlyn Art Gallery