Collage, Colour, and Line

Painting Sweet Nature 4 by Robyn Denny on show at Newlyn Art Gallery & The Exchange
Image: Robyn Denny, Sweet Nature 4 1976-77 78 x 120 ins. 198 x 304 cm Oil on Canvas

02 Dec 2017

Newlyn Art Gallery & The Exchange


Led by artist Luke Frost you will explore the Robyn Denny exhibition across both sites. Starting with an exhibition walk and discussion, followed by a sketching and collage session at Newlyn, you will then head to The Exchange for lunch. After lunch and a look at the exhibition there, you will work in collage and paint, using mixed materials and a variety of papers and cards, drawing on the knowledge and experiences gained during the morning.

This will be a day of artistic experimentation and exchange, and suitable for all skill levels.


  • 10.30 to 12.15 Newlyn Art Gallery
  • 12.45 Lunch at The Exchange
  • 13.30 to 15.30 The Exchange

£40 booking via eventbriteAdvance booking essential as spaces are limited.

Lunch is included in the ticket price and will consist of a ciabatta with a filling of your choice, a side salad, a cold or hot drink plus something sweet for afters. You will need to provide your own transport from Newlyn to The Exchange. It’s a ten-minute car ride, or a half-hour walk. There are regular buses from Newlyn Bridge to Penzance.

Luke Frost comes from a long line of abstract painters including his grandfather Sir Terry Frost and his father Anthony Frost. Luke has exhibited widely since graduating from Bath Spa University College in 1998. He was Artist in Residence at Tate St Ives for a year in 2008, followed by a solo exhibition in the gallery in early 2009. His expertise in colour and his open approach to materials make him the perfect partner for this workshop, offering an in-depth look at Robyn Denny’s work.

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The Exchange Find on Map

Open: TUE - SAT, 10.00 - 16.00

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Instagram: @newlynexchange